A: Sankara Nethralaya USA is a non-profit tax-exempt organization (Tax ID 52-1611548), established in 1988 in USA with the sole objective of raising funds in USA for Sankara Nethralaya, a non-profit, non-commercial, eye care institution founded in 1978 in Chennai, India for providing free services to indigent patients in the Indian sub-continent.
A: Sankara Nethralaya examines around 3,500 - 4000 outpatients and performs around 250-300 surgeries every day. About 50 % of the outpatients are treated and 35 % of the surgeries are performed free of cost to the underprivileged. The criteria for free services are that the patient's monthly income should not exceed Rs. 20,000 (Approximately 240 USD). Philosophy of Sankara Nethralaya is to charge paying patients an affordable fee. Contributions made by donors are used to meet the cost of treatment of non-paying patients and free services rendered, by way of outpatient consultations, cost free eye screening camps and free treatments including major surgeries where necessary. Donations, therefore, are necessary to provide the same high-quality eye care without disparity to the poor and needy.
Three major service areas of Sankara Nethralaya are:
A: For detailed information on donation schemes, you may visit our web site www.sankaranethralayausa.org or contact Mr. Bala Reddy Indurti, President at (855) 4NETHRA - Toll Free or e-mail him at indurti@snomtrust.org
A: Yes. All donations made in United States in US dollars are tax deductible under the US Internal Revenue Service regulations. The acknowledgement sent by Sankara Nethralaya USA is sufficient to claim tax deductions for the donations made by you.
A: While Sankara Nethralaya will be pleased to accept your donations in Indian Rupees and utilize for purposes as designated by you, these donations are not tax deductible under the US Internal Revenue Service regulations.
A: Sankara Nethralaya USA is managed by a Board of 35 uncompensated trustees spread across USA in fourteen chapters.
A: Yes. Some of the major employers in US support Sankara Nethralaya USA’s Corporate Gift Matching program. Please contact your corporate Human Resources Department or Mr. Bala Indurti, President at Sankara Nethralaya USA, at (855) 4NETHRA.
A: Yes, During the open season which happens around October – December every year, please enroll in CFC payroll deduction program designating Sankara Nethralaya USA (CFC No. 68803) as your preferred charity.
Yes, please furnish your employer with the following details of Sankara Nethralaya USA while designating
your donations.
Recipient organization: Sankara Nethralaya USA
Tax ID No.: 52-1611548
Organizaton status: 501 (c) (3)
Address: 7238 Muncaster Mill Rd, No 522,
Derwood, MD 20855
Contact: Mr. Bala Reddy Indurti, President
Tel No : (855) 4NETHRA - Toll Free
E-mail id : indurti@snomtrust.org
They will work with United Way Campaign and arrange to remit the proceeds to us.
Yes. Please transfer to account number 8285-3794 with Charles Schwab & Co. (800-435-4000). You will be eligible to deduct the appreciated value of the stocks for tax purposes.
Yes. Please contact Mr. Bala Reddy Indurti President,, Sankara Nethralaya USA at (855) Nethra or send an e-mail at indurti@snomtrust.org.
Administrative overhead expenses of Sankara Nethralaya USA are approximately one percent. Therefore, almost all your donations are used by Sankara Nethralaya to provide free services to the indigent patients.
For any other information/clarification please contact Mr. Bala Reddy Indurti, President, at indurti@snomtrust.org or at (855) 4NETHRA - Toll free.